Writing Group FAQs
How do I join a group?
Everyone is welcome to sit in on any group meetings that interest them (subject to the new occupancy limit of thirteen). Simply come along and introduce yourself to the facilitator. For group meeting times consult our website. There is no obligation to continue, and you are free to come and go as it suits your life and your writing. You do not need to be a member of KSP to attend, but the cost is discounted if you do join.
How much does it cost?
Most classes cost $5 per class for members, $12 per class for non-members, but check the website to be sure. This money helps KSP to cover operational costs. Cash or card accepted.
I'm pretty busy and don't know if I can come regularly. Do members have to commit to a certain period of time?
The sessions are paid on a casual basis, which means you can come and go to KSP's writing groups as it suits your schedule. A good continuity and camaraderie develops when members do attend regularly, but you won't be at a disadvantage otherwise.
What happens in a writing group?
This varies from group to group, but generally sessions are comprised of short blocks of writing exercises, reading/listening to individuals’ pieces, providing feedback and critique on other members’ work, and sometimes discussion on preparing/publishing/promoting the group anthology. There is also a tea break mid-way through. For the sake of fairness, it’s a give and take system as to how much the time any group session will spend on one person, whether in answering questions or providing feedback on work – time is distributed equitably between all members in each session.
I’d like to know more about the group before I visit. Can I contact the facilitator?
It is best to email any queries to KSP. The message will then be forwarded to the relevant facilitator on your behalf, and he/she can respond to you directly. Due to our privacy policy, personal details are not distributed without permission.
Do I need to bring anything?
Bring your favourite writing tools, i.e. laptop, or pen and paper, notepad etc.
You might want to bring a water bottle, or wine bottle if visiting a night group.
The monetary fee for each class is to be given to the facilitator during the session when prompted.
KSP provides tea and coffee and a basic supply of biscuits but more extensive foodstuffs (i.e. morning tea) should be supplied by the members if required.
You are also welcome to bring a piece of writing that you would like feedback on (depending on the length of the piece, there may not be time to read the whole thing – time spent on each individual usually does not exceed 10 minutes).
Do I have to read out loud? Do I have to be included in the group anthology (if there is one)?
No, and no. It is your choice to do either; if you choose not to, you can still participate in the group.
When do the groups meet?
Consult the KSP events calendar HERE for all writing group session dates.