Volunteering Opportunities
Whether you'd like to volunteer for just one hour or 100, there are many opportunities at KSP, catering to all ages, genders, skills and backgrounds. Please email office@kspwriterscentre.com to express interest and find out more.
Board of Management
(Currently recruiting - see below). The KSP board - comprised of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to five regular members - is expected to manage KSP Writers' Centre activities and fulfill KSP Foundation objectives, in conjunction with staff. Board members are also expected to assist in the delivery of events and activities. Board members must be current financial KSP members, and are generally elected or re-elected at the October Annual General Meeting each year.
Currently seeking a Board Member: The core responsibilities of a KSP board member is to attend monthly meetings (except December) and the AGM, help at occasional events if available, and liaise with staff and fellow board members by email as required in order to make decisions regarding the management and strategic direction of the Centre. Ideally KSP board members will bring a unique set of relevant skills to the team, such as governance experience, knowledge of the writing sector, experience with non-profits. They will be willing to learn about the Centre and how it operates in order to make sound decisions.
Perks of all positions include: $10 off annual membership fees, gain experience being on a board of management, enjoy the good feelings of supporting a community of writers, free access to select KSP workshops, and networking opportunities with other writers.
Office Internships
(Currently recruiting!). Depending on resources, KSP offers a handful of internships per year to mature, self-motivated students or adults with working knowledge of social media and technology. Interns will have a good attitude and work ethic, and be looking for experience in administration, publishing, non-profit sector, and/or arts management. This can include an internship for the KSP Writers' Centre, or for Wild Weeds Press.
Gardening Committee
(Currently recruiting!) The KSP gardening committee is a dual advisory and operational group that play a key role in the maintenance and restoration of the KSP heritage-listed property and gardens under the direction of the committee coordinator.
Writing Group Facilitator
(Not Currently Recruiting!). A KSP group facilitator is expected to be a member of the Centre, and have some background in the field of writing, publishing, presenting or group management. Ideally, the facilitator is passionate about writing and helping others to develop their craft, and has leadership experience and good social skills. Facilitators are expected to act as ambassadors for KSP and liaise with staff and the board as necessary.