We're pleased to announce our Invited Writer-in-Residence for 2022: Lisa Collyer
Lisa Collyer is a poet and educator.
She writes poetry with a focus on women’s bodies and how their experiences shape their everyday lives. She is a participant in the Westerly Writers’ Development Program, The Four Centres Emerging Writers’ Program and is a member of the Voicebox collective.

She has been published in numerous anthologies and online journals, including Cordite Poetry Review, Not Very Quiet, and Rabbit Journal.
Lisa was awarded an INSPIRE Writer in Residency Initiative 2021 at Woodbridge House (Mandoon) through a partnership between The National Trust of W.A. and the State Government. Inspired by the story of Miss McCauley, a former resident of Woodbridge House, whose sight completely deteriorated while living at what was then known as Guildford Women’s Home. Lisa explored writing about Woodbridge House using the senses, bar sight; recording the body’s experience of an overcrowded, rundown home through the smells, tastes, sounds and touch of the place.
Lisa will be at KSP in November 2022.
The KSP residency program is brought to you with support from the Shire of Mundaring.