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Priya Kahlon: I was reluctant to re-join the “real” world

Priya Kahlon stayed at KSP Writers' Centre in 2021 as an Upcoming Writer-in-Residence.

Priya Kahlon is a poet and performer currently living in Boorloo/Perth, Australia. She writes to better understand the world and our place in it. Priya’s recent work has been featured in the anthologies Twice Not Shy (Night Parrot Press) and To Hold The Clouds (Centre for Stories).

'I am so grateful to the KSP Writer’s Centre for choosing me to be one of their writers in residence for 2021 and allowing me to spend 2 weeks at their beautiful cabins. I admit I was reluctant to re-join the “real” world after being given permission to let my thoughts ride to galaxies beyond the here and now, but hopefully I can keep this vastness with me for some time and I will remember the way the Salmon Gums or Wuraks/Weerluks would pass the sunlight between their leaves if I am ever feeling small.'

Top 10 tips:

  1. To be clear on why you write. We can all get caught up in publishing, deadlines and events but in the end there is always a magic that each writer feels which will sustain you to come back to the page each day.

  2. You write as well as you read.

  3. Writing is a craft and takes commitment and discipline like all other artforms.

  4. Build a community around you of writers and readers alike.

  5. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, do not be afraid to experiment and try new things – it will do wonders for your writing.

  6. Breathe and enjoy the process and not just the destination.

  7. Be patient with yourself.

  8. Focus on clarity of voice.

  9. Writing does not make a good life but instead a good life has writing in it.

  10. Back yourself and your vision of your writing.

You can follow Priya on Instagram.


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