Announcing our 2023 Writers-in-Residence 🎉
KSP Writers' Centre is proud to be announcing our Writers-in-Residence for the year 2023. We are so happy to be welcoming these writers to the KSP alumni family and see them work on their manuscripts in our cabins.
Congratulations to:
Established Writer-in-Residence: Julienne Van Loon
Invited Writer-in-Residence: Gemma Nisbet
Emerging Writer-in-Residence: Natalie Damjanovich-Napoleon
Emerging Writer-in-Residence: Rebecca Higgie
Upcoming Writer-in-Residence: Myles McGuire
Upcoming Writer-in-Residence: Mara Papavassiliou

The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to support the development of literary work by hosting a number of annual residencies and fellowships. This is a unique program specifically for writers, currently one of only three in Australia. We currently offer placements in the categories of Established; UpComing; Emerging; Scholarship; Established; and Fellowships. Our legacy of Writers-in-Residence spans almost 30 years and has produced hundreds of literary awards and publications across several genres as a result.
Writers-in-Residence are gifted with a salary, CV credit, promotional exposure, and inspirational space to progress work away from the pressures of everyday life. As a resident, you will receive a welcome basket of goodies and the support of KSP office staff plus access to Katharine's heritage work studio, library services, beautiful heritage walking trails in the nearby National Forest, writing groups, WIFI and complimentary printing facilities.
The KSP Writers' Centre is a vibrant and friendly not-for-profit community arts organisation run by an entirely volunteer board of management with the support of one part-time staff member. All income raised by the Centre goes back into KSP’s literary program and maintenance of the heritage buildings and grounds. We are proud of this pocket of the beautiful Perth hills region and we hope that visitors and residents to KSP enjoy their time with us.
KSP Writers' Centre thanks the Shire of Mundaring for their funding of our residency program.