KSP competitions - closing soon

Deadlines are open to enter KSP's 2018 writing competitions in the categories of Short Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction. Open to Australian citizens and residents.
Why enter?
Well, I guess the obvious answer is you might win a prize! KSP offers cash prizes plus weekend residencies, and an array of certificates.
Even if you don’t win, you will gain experience entering competitions. You can also feel good knowing that you are supporting Australian writers and sustaining these competitions, as all entry fees contribute to prizes and the cost of judging. Furthermore, any surplus goes back into the operations of the Centre.
We especially encourage young writers to enter, as there is NO ENTRY FEE for youth up to 20 years of age thanks to sponsorship from the Shire of Mundaring. Teachers and parents can assist with the submission process. KSP's competitions are proudly sponsored by the Shire of Mundaring, Bendigo Bank Mundaring, Little Black Dress Productions, and Flora Smith.
Details and entry forms: http://www.kspwriterscentre.com/competitions