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Wil Creepman Goes to Jail

Wil Creepman murdered elders and citizens last night at 12.00p.m. He killed 57 people with a gun. He crawled through a window and shot two guards, kicked the door down, and grabbed the controller for the cameras and turned them off.

Later he planted explosives, then ran out of the hotel with the detonator down Lame Street into I-don’t-Care Road until he got to the elders’ homes. But then he heard a sound. It was a police drone. It had been following him the whole time! Then he heard a siren, a police car and a tank.

Creepman ran to a house and threw some explosives. An army man spotted him and shot him in the leg. Creepman crawled behind a bush and activated the explosives. The sky lit up with an orange light. Creepman passed out. When he woke up he was in jail. A KSP News Reporter later interviewed Creepman:

(KSP News Reporter): How will you get out of jail?

(Creepman): Want to help me mate?

(KSP News Reporter): No!

(Creepman): I will share the money.

(KSP News Reporter): No way!

Creepman was sent back to jail.

About the Author: Wil Stockwell aka Wil Creepman

Creepman is a chainsaw murderer. He killed 100,000 Australian citizens in one night. He likes attacking hotel and camp sites, but doesn’t like going to jail. Creepman has a friend who helps him get out of jail his name is Brad Killer. Killer has helped Creepman get out of jail 7 times this week. Creepman lives in a house in somewhere town.

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