KSP Writers-in-Residence: Where are they now?
The KSP Writers' Centre has hosted multiple annual residencies for talented Australian and international writers since 1987. The list below proudly notes the publications and achievements made by KSP Writers-in-Residence since their residency at the Centre, which highlights the value of this program in its long-lasting contribution to Australia's literary landscape.
KSP acknowledges the Department of Culture and the Arts WA for its long history of supporting this program, and the Shire Mundaring for providing ongoing administration support.
Please note this list is new and therefore nowhere near comprehensive! We will keep adding items as we discover or are made aware of them. If you are on this list and we've missed something, please do email the KSP office at kspf@iinet.net.au and let us know.

KSP Writer-in-Residence Program
1987 - present
1987 and 1988: Murray Oliver
1989: Doreen Sullivan
Rod Moran, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 1989

Rod has published four volumes of poetry and his poems have been anthologised nationally and internationally, including by Oxford University Press. Rod Moran’s 'The Paradoxes of Water: Selected and New Poems, 1970-2005' (Salt Publishing), won the 2005 WA Premier’s Book Award for poetry. He is also an historian and award-winning journalist, working as senior features writer at The West Australian newspaper.
'Undoubtedly the most important personal work completed was the final draft of a proto-type manuscript for my next book. I cannot stress too strongly the fact that the 60% of KSP time I was able to devote to this work was critical to its completion. In other circumstances, I would not have been able to complete it until well into 1990.'
Tracy Ryan, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 1989

ABR Poet of the Month (Jan - Feb 2015); WA Premier’s Book Award Poetry (Shortlisted 2014), NSW Premier’s Literary Award, Kenneth Slessor Prize (Shortlisted 2012), WA Premier’s Book Award, Poetry (Winner 2012), Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature (Shortlisted 2012), Australian Book Review Poetry Prize (Winner 2009), The Age Book of the Year Award, Poetry (Shortlisted 2008), Trudie Graham Award for Memoir (Winner 2007), WA Premier’s Book Award (Winner 2000), National Book Council’s Banjo Award (Commended 1997), WA Premier’s Book Award (Shortlisted 1994, 1998).
'Apart from the obvious benefits of the use of the centre for writing and meeting other writers & readers, I gained a strong sense of encouragement from the example of Katharine herself as person and writer. The Centre is much more than a "famous writer's house" and at the same time more than just a working space. I hope the future writers-in-residence will find there the same literary "home away from home" that I found."
1990: Kate Llewellyn, Clem Gordon, Corine Templeton, Anthony Lawrence, Glyn Parry
1991: Caroline Logan, David Buchanan, David Cohen, Barbara Brandt
1992: Chris Mansell, Nigel Gray, Brigid Lowry, Maree Walk, Mark Reid
1993: Andrew Burke, Sue Clennell, Michael Heald
1994: Sarah Rossetti, Chris McLeod, Warren Flynn, Susan Storm
Anna Jacobs, Established Writer-in-Residence, 1994

Since 1994, Anna - under the names Anna Jacobs and Shannah Jay - has published dozens of historical fiction, modern fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and fantasy novels, with her 75th book released in 2016. In 2006 one of her novels, 'Pride of Lancashire', won an award for Best Australian Romantic Book of the Year (longer novels). In February 2016 Anna became the 5th most borrowed author of adult fiction in the UK library system, and the 10th most borrowed author of all.
'The stint as Writer-in-Residence at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers' Centre has been an interesting and rewarding experience for me. I've enjoyed a variety of activities and feel that I've become, in a small way, a part of the hills writing community. I am delighted to have had this opportunity.'
1995: Faye Davis, Stephanie Green, Zan Ross
Danny Gunzburg, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 1995

Danny has had poetry published in The Western Review, Going Down Swinging, Verandah, and other periodicals. In 2005 he published his first book of poetry and lyrics, 'Dangerous Times With The Humourless Psychologist', which sold out of two print runs in under a year. He published his second collection, 'The Life Isn't Easy Pillow-shop', in 2016. In July 2014, Danny's song 'Nadine' won a Commended award in the WAPI (WA Poets Inc) Song Lyric Contest. His poem 'To Claire' won a Commended award in the 2014 Poetry d'Amour Competition. A selection of Danny's poetry was published in the 2014 and 2015 Poetry d'Amour Love Poems Anthology. His poem 'Picture of a Woman' won a Commended award in the 2015 KSP Poetry Awards.
'The four-week residency was invaluable to me. It gave me the time and recognition I needed to increase my confidence as a writer. I felt privileged to be able to expose my work on such a personal level to such a wide range of people, and felt that I was successful in delivering the spirit of creativity and individual expression to those older and younger than myself.'
1996: Bryn Griffiths, Glyn Parry, Karen Attard, Rose van Son, Carole Johnson, Don Eade
1997: Paul Kooperman, Susan Laura Sullivan, Cecily Scutt, Greg Bogaerts, Heather Bennett, Michelle Wandel
1998: Stephen Dedman, Kim Ferguson, Sarah French, Rob Cover
Annabel Smith, Young Writer-in-Residence, 1998

Published first novel 'A New Map of the Universe' in 2005 which was shortlisted for the West Australian Premier’s Book Award, followed by 'Whisky Charlie Foxtrot' in 2012 and 'The Ark' in 2014. She has had short fiction published in literary journal Westerly, presented at writers' festivals and holds a PhD in Writing from Edith Cowan University. In 2014 Annabel was awarded an Emerging Residency at the KSP Writers' Centre.
'The quiet cabin with its huge desk and beautiful view of the gardens and the city in the distance, as well as the interaction with other writers passing through the Centre created the perfect blend of solitude and fellowship to stimulate my creativity. The residency was a highly stimulating and wonderfully productive experience for which I am tremendously grateful.'
1999: Phillip Hammial, Kathleen Dzubiel, Patrick West, Marlane Ainsworth, Toula Demetriades
2000: Peter Bakowski, Carmel Macdonald-Grahame, Ffion Murphy, Peter Mitchell, Ricci-Jane Adams
2001: Anne Maree Rolley, Yvette Walker, Julienne van Loon, Matthew Chrulew
Brigid Lowry, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2001

Brigid was born in New Zealand but now lives in Australia. She is the author of eight award-winning YA fiction for girls including 'Guitar Highway Rose', and also writes non-fiction like 'Juicy Writing - an inspiring guide for young writers'. Brigid published the memoir 'Still Life with Teapot: On Zen, Writing and Creativity' (Fremantle Press) in 2016.
'The residency gave me the luxury of time - time to write, time to read, time to research, time to give to others, time to be out of my usual environment and participate in an invisible community of literary magic. It has been wonderful. Again, thank you to all who make this valuable program work and keep KSP Foundation the alive and vibrant place that it is.'
2002: William (Bill) Metcalf, Aminah Hughes
Mardi May, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2002

Since 2002, Mardi has won multiple literary awards for her poetry and short fiction and performed many public readings. She has also edited numerous anthologies in her role as group facilitator for two KSP writing groups, and had work published in Award-Winning Australian Writing, Creatrix, Blackboy Hill is Calling, and The Word is Out. She has published two verse novellas, 'The Shifting Distance' in 2010 and 'The Quiet Word in 2014, and two poetry collections, 'Some of Everything' in 2015 and 'The Whole Bang Lot' in 2016.
'I have enjoyed the professionalism associated with the position. Also, I was often aware of the sense of community within the centre and its supportive role in what is sometimes a lonely vocation. I have learnt the value of creating structured writing time during the demands of a day.' Artistic report, 2002
'For the past 22 years, the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre has been an integral part of my life. During this time, I have published ten books of social history and poetry and won numerous awards and a residency. I owe much of this success to the supportive environment of our writers’ centre.
In this nurturing and historically inspiring environment, I have worked at the heart of KSP for 12 years on the Board of Management. During this time, I have also liaised as a member of the Literary Advisory Committee where I co-ordinate the annual selection of writers for the residency program. For these many rewarding years as a volunteer at KSP, I have been awarded a Life Membership, which I treasure greatly. I consider it an honour to belong to an organisation so passionate about carrying forward the legacy of Katharine Susannah Prichard and for its dedication to the service of writers.' Testimonial, 2016
Kevin Gillam, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2002

KSP Poetry Awards (1st Prize 2015); Dotdotdash ‘Recursive’ Poetry Competiton (1st Prize 2011); C J Dennis Literary Awards; Open Poetry (1st Prize 2011), C J Dennis Literary Awards, Open Poetry (Highly Commended 2011); C J Dennis Literary Awards, Open Poetry (Commended 2011); Manly and Peninsula FAW Literary Awards (1st Prize 2011); Manly and Peninsula FAW Literary Awards (Highly Commended 2011); PCWC Patron’s Prize, Open Poetry (2nd Prize 2011); C J Dennis Poetry Award (Winner 2010); Reason-Brisbane Poetry Award (Winner 2010);Trudy Graham Literary Awards (Winner 2004, 2009); Karrinyup Writers’ Club (Winner 2003, 2009); Woorilla Poetry Prize (Winner 2002, 2004).
2003: Melissa O’Shea, Elizabeth Stephens, Jo-Ann Whalley, Liz Bradtke
Juliet Marillier, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2003

2005 Aurealis Awards, Best Fantasy Novel, 'Blade of Fortriu'; 2006 Aurealis Awards, Best Fantasy Novel, 'Wildwood Dancing'; 2008 Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Best YA Novel, 'Cybele's Secret'; 2009 Beehive Book Award, YA Fiction, 'Wildwood Dancing'; 2010 Le Prix Imaginales, Best Novel in translation, 'Daughter of the Forest'; 2010 Tin Duck Awards, Best Professional Long Written Work, 'Seer of Sevenwaters'; 2013 Tin Duck Awards, Speculative fiction by Western Australian writers, 'Shadowfell'; 2014 Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Best Youth Novel, 'Raven Flight'; 2014 Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Best Short Story 'By Bone-Light"; 2014 Tin Duck Awards, Best Professional Long Written Work, 'Prickle Moon'; 2015 Aurealis Awards, Best Fantasy Novel, 'Dreamer's Pool'; 2015 Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Best Youth Novel, 'The Caller'.
'It was a month of chocolate biscuits, nocturnal mosquitoes, visits to Ancient Greece and the Scottish Highlands, writing and more writing. I had never been a Writer in Residence before, and the time was full of surprises.
I was feeling quite sad to be leaving KSP, when committee members suddenly produced champagne and gave me some wonderful feedback about how much the KSP groups had valued my contribution. I left feeling more euphoric than tearful, after forging some wonderful friendships and having my theory very much confirmed: residencies are most definitely a two way learning process. This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my writing career.'
2004: Alicia Sometimes, Lee Battersby, Timothy Daly, Chloe Britton
2005: Anna Hedigan, Robert Santaguida, Gina Mercer, Angela Trevithic
Natasha Lester, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2005

Natasha’s third book, 'A Kiss from Mr Fitzgerald', was published in April 2016 by Hachette Australia. She is also the author of 'What is Left Over, After' (Fremantle Press, 2010) and 'If I Should Lose You' (Fremantle Press, 2012). The Age newspaper has described her as a 'remarkable Australian talent'. She has won an Allen & Unwin Varuna Publisher Fellowship (Winner 2010), the T.A.G. Hungerford Award (Winner 2008), been long-listed for the Australian/Vogel's Literary Award (2008) and was a finalist in the Maj Monologue Competition (2008). 'What is Left Over, After' was drafted during Natasha's KSP residency.
'KSP's Writer-in-Residence program was invaluable in giving me time to write a draft of my first book, 'What is Left Over, After', which went on to win the T.A.G. Hungerford Award and to be published, thus launching my writing career, which has continued to develop from that crucial point. Without this program, I may not be in the position I am today as an author who has just published her third book, which is a not insubstantial achievement for a West Australian writer, and an achievement which has its roots in my residency at the Centre in 2005.'
2006: Graeme Miles, Maria Papas, Andrew Lindsay, Afifah Muffaz
Claire Potter, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2006

Claire has published two chapbooks and a full-length poetry collection, 'Swallow' (Five Islands Press, 2010). Her poem ‘Mermaids in the Basement’ was highly commended in the 2010 Gwen Harwood Poetry Prize. Originally from Western Australia, she now lives and works in London.
'Perhaps what I most cherished at the centre was the opportunity to devote myself to a period of time where writing was the emphasis, the drive and the hub around which everything turned. This is a rare chance. I think it would be impossible not to be challenged as well as provoked by your work during a stay at KSP and this process of questioning, re-evaluating and thinking I found to be very important to my writing practice. Being a resident at KSP strongly creates the feeling of belonging to a writer’s community and also part of the literary heritage that Katharine herself created at Greenmount.'
2007: Dan Disney, Sharron Quayle, Anne Morgan, Rebecca Giggs
Lee Kofman, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2007

Lee published her first novel in English 'The Dangerous Bride' (Melbourne University Press), a memoir, in 2014. Research for this book began during the KSP residency with an essay entitled 'porous couples'. 'The Dangerous Bride' was picked for A Year of Reading Wonderfully 2015 in The Age; Books of The Year 2014 in Australian Book Review; and Australian Writers Pick the Best Books of 2014 in The Age. It was included in Readings monthly highlights and in 2014 must-read books in The Age. Since 2007, Lee has won various fellowships and residencies and co-edited a collection of personal essays, 'Rebellious Daughters', in 2016. Her blog on the writing process was a finalist for AWC's Best Australian Blogs 2014.
'Space and time aside, one of the main reasons my creative energy flowed so well at the KSP was due to its people and my engagement with them. In fact, my so-called ‘duties’ as a writer-in-residence turned out to be the most exciting and fulfilling aspects of the residency. The workshop, dinner, writing groups and other activities inspired and motivated my own writing.'
2008: Deborah Pike, Antonia Logue, Simon Cox
Alice Pung, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2008

Alice was shortlisted as Sydney Morning Herald's Young Novelist of the Year 2015. Her novel 'Laurinda' was shortlisted for the Australian Book Industry Awards General Fiction Award 2015, and the Indie Book Awards 2015. 'Her Father's Daughter' was published in 2011 and won the Non-Fiction Prize in the 2011 Western Australian Book Awards.
'Being secluded in the hilltops in Greenmount meant very little distraction. It gave me the opportunity to read through 180 submissions to select the final pieces for an anthology of ‘Growing up Asian in Australia’ stories that I am editing, as well as to complete an article for the Weekend Australian. Yet I was not entirely isolated, and the writing groups at the Centre provided wonderful insight and inspiration.'
Tracy Farr, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2008

Tracy's debut novel 'The Life and Loves of Lena Gaunt' was published by Fremantle Press in 2013 and Aardvark Bureau in 2016, and was longlisted for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award in 2014. Her second novel, 'The Hope Fault', will be published in March 2017.
'In my month as Emerging Writer-in-Residence, cocooned in my room while belting rain greened the garden, I managed to belt out 40,000 words of my novel in progress. Normally a slow writer – and a part-time writer in my day-to-day life, stealing writing time when I can – this was phenomenal progress for me. It gives me momentum to carry the project to completion with a freshness and vitality that is hard to maintain at a slower writing rate.'
2009: Natalie Kon-Yu, Helen Gildfind, Jean Kent, Jessica Stalley
Heather Hummel, Emerging Writer-in-Residence, 2009

Heather published the poetry collection 'Boytreebird' (Finishing Line Press) in 2013. Part of this work was created during her residency at KSP.
'I am immensely grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to spend the month of August at the KSP Writers' Centre. The miles of walking trails and views of valley were inspiring and exactly what my creative imagination needed. The KSP staff and members are friendly, welcoming, and encouraging. The Centre and its accommodations are peaceful and quiet—I immediately felt at home enough to plunge deep into my writing project and work without distraction for whole days at a time.'
2010: Lisa Lang, Suzanne Ingelbrecht, Andy Jackson, David Reiter, Rosanna Stevens
2011: Glenda Guest, Jo-Ann Whalley, Zachary Cotler, Jake Dennis, Harriet Riley, Jannali Jones
Jannali Jones, Young Writer-in-Residence, 2011

Jannali is currently researching Indigenous literature and the fantasy genre at Western Sydney University. Her writing has been published in Australia and overseas in journals such as Westerly, Southerly, and Etchings Indigenous. She became a 2015 black&write! Writing Fellow, and has received scholarships from the University of Western Sydney (2014), and Magabala Books (Australian Indigenous Creator Scholarship 2013).
'It was a busy week that flew by; I enjoyed my residency so much that at the end I didn’t want to go home! The Young Writer-in-Residence Program at KSP has been more than just an impressive literary credit for me. It has also given me confidence in my writing ability, my work and highlighted the value of participation in the writing community. Importantly, I have learned that writing does not always have to be a solitary activity.'
Peter McAllister, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2011

Peter published 'Manthropology: The Science of Why the Modern Male Is Not the Man He Used to Be' in 2012 (Hachette Australia), which was featured in The Wall Street Journal and on ABC's Nightline. The 20,000 word proposal for this book was completed at the KSP Writers' Centre.
'What I found most valuable about the residency overall was, I think, the sense of connectedness it gave me. Writing is by nature an isolating experience on a personal level, but there is also a certain disjointedness and isolationist character to the industry in Australia – rarely do the different levels of community and professional writing get to properly intersect. The sheer existence of centres like KSP does a lot to overcome this, granted, but specific programs like the writers’ residencies are a particularly valuable bridge over the chasms that keep us one from the other.'
2012: Jeremy Balius, Laura Jan Shore, Threasa Meads, Michael Collins, Eva Bujalka
Valerie Parv AM, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2012

Valerie was made a Life Member of the Romance Writers of Australia (RWA) in 2016, and a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the 2015 Queen's Birthday Honours List for "significant service to the arts as a prolific author and as a role model and mentor to young emerging writers." She won an Australian Society of Authors (ASA) medal in 2014/15. More than twenty-nine million copies of her books have been sold and widely translated, including into manga, and are now available as ebooks.
'My stay at KSP was one of the most beautiful and memorable of my career. Not only was the screenplay completed to an exciting standard appreciated by the producer, but I was able to begin editing my speculative fiction novel for which a contract was issued during my stay. One of the most pleasing comments made during my residency was that the Centre needed to have me there permanently. Would that I could.'
Eliza-Jane Henry-Smith, Young Writer-in-Residence, 2012

Eliza published her debut novel 'In the Quiet' (HarperCollins Australia) in 2015. This was short-listed for the 2015 Readings Prize for New Australian Writing, long-listed for the 2016 Indie Book Awards (debut fiction), long-listed
for the 2016 Australian Book Industry Awards (general fiction), and short-listed for the 2016 NSW Premier's Literary Awards. The idea for the book was conceived during Eliza's KSP residency, where she also began the first draft.
'I was thrilled to be a Young Writer-in-Residence at the KSP Centre. It was a privilege to be able to make connections with so many renowned and emerging writers and to be apart of the Katharine Susannah Prichard writing community. The sense of place, history and the picturesque aesthetics of the property also contributed to a mindful and creative energy. I not only achieved a huge amount during a short space of time, but learnt a lot about my creative process and myself.'
2013: Felicity Castagna, Guy Salvidge, Kate Cantrell, Jarryd Luke, Chloe Mayne
Judy Johnson, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2013

Judy has published more than 300 poems in literary magazines across Australia and the UK, and won many prizes for poetry including the Victorian Premiers award, Wesley Michel Wright Prize twice, Josephine Ulrick and Val Vallis award and been shortlisted in many others including the West Australian Premier's Award. 'Stone Scar Air Water', a collection of poetry, was published by Walleah Press in 2013, and three fiction books in 'The Rippers Net' series were published in 2014.
'I feel as though I was pampered, challenged and stimulated in equal measure during my time as Established Writer in Residence at the Centre. The first time I stepped through the door of Aldridge cottage, with a view of the Perth skyline from my writing desk, foregrounded by those beautiful gum trees, I knew that this would definitely be a place for rich and rewarding work. I certainly intend to spread the word about the vibrancy and enthusiasm with which the KSP Centre supports its writers, and writers who are lucky enough to be part of the Centre for a short time through the Writer in Residence Program.'
Meg Caddy, Young Writer-in-Residence, 2013

In 2013, Meg's YA fantasy novel 'Waer' was shortlisted for the Text Prize, which led to a contract with Text Publishing. 'Waer' was published in 2016. Her short story 'Amphibian Summer' was shortlisted for the Questions Writing Prize, and her poetry has been shortlisted for the Ethel Webb Bundell Poetry Prize. A poem of Meg's was published in the 2015 Poetry d’Amour Anthology.
'As Young-Writers-in-Residence, we were all given the opportunity to work with a mentor. I was lucky enough to work, for the second time in my life, with Juliet Marillier. Having the mentorship session on the second day of my Residency was invaluable – it gave me great direction for the next eight days.
In ten days, I smashed my word target and fixed many of the problematic sections in the book. Having stayed at KSP, I feel no first/second-draft panic; just great optimism and enthusiasm. I cannot thank the people of Katharine Susannah Prichard WC enough.'
2014: Ailsa Piper, Bronwyn Lovell, Steve Cotler, Annabel Smith, Sophie Overett, Stephen Lehane Smith
Paddy O’Reilly, Established Writer-in-Residence, 2014

Paddy's latest book is 'Peripheral Vision', published in July 2015 by UQP and currently receiving high praise in reviews. She also edited the collections 'It Happened in a Holden' (2014) and 'It Happened on a Fishing Trip' (2015), both by Affirm Press.
'I can see from my time there that Katharine’s Place plays a very important role in the writing community of the hills and Perth. Thank you all so much for allowing me to be one of your writers-in-residence and for welcoming me so warmly into such a place. It was a great opportunity for me and I hope the program will continue to introduce writers to your vibrant writing community for years to come.'
Emily Paull, Young Writer-in-Residence, 2014

Emily has had short fiction published in 'Re-Sisters' (For Books' Sake, February 2016) and 'Shibboleth & Other Stories' (Margaret River Press, July 2016). She was also shortlisted in the 2015 John Marsden & Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers.
'As a Young Writer in Residence at the KSP Centre, I was given the opportunity to step onto hallowed ground, and follow in the footsteps of not only Katharine herself, but of writers like Alice Pung, Tracy Farr, Paddy O’Reilly and Annabel Smith. The community that the Centre attracts was warm, welcoming and inspiring. I felt safe and happy in my self-contained cabin, and so I wrote until I could write no more. In just over a week, I had written 40,000 words towards my latest draft, a personal best for me, and what was better was that while I wasn’t one hundred percent happy with every single one of them, I was happy with the direction the story was taking as a whole.'
2015: Laurie Steed, Nathan Hobby, Ron Pretty, Anna Solding, Charlotte Guest, Sarah Gates
Kelly Palmer, Young Writer-in-Residence, 2015

Kelly's short story ‘Anthrax’, which was developed during her KSP residency, has been selected for publication in issue 104 of Voiceworks.
'Everyone at the centre was incredibly supportive. The space and the comfort and the facilities and atmosphere were absolutely incredible. The residency itself was substantially beneficial to my writing only in terms of word counts but also to the conceptual development of my novella. I will remember this stay for the rest of my life.'
2016: Writers-in-Residence: Angela Slatter, Melinda Tognini, Lorna Hendry, Chloe Higgins
Fellows: Brigid Magner, Tanya Vavilova
2017: Writers-in-Residence: Lee Battersby, Rashida Murphy, Sarah Nicholson
Fellows: TBC