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Residency Program Guidelines
Literature or literary work means works of excellence of style and expression.
Self-funded publications can be listed if they have been distributed to all states and territories or via a website (see ‘On-line’ definition below), and have been reviewed in an established literary journal, major newspaper or nationally distributed magazine.
A listed work to have been published by a professional publisher with national distribution, or via a website (see ‘On-line’ definition below), or performed/produced by professional theatre companies or radio stations.
On-line publications must have been subjected to an editorial review process with a named editor or committee. The website address must be provided together with a copy of the production’s submission guidelines and contact details of an editor.
Co-authored works can be listed if you are sole author of at least 50% of the work (or 30% if there are two co-authors).
Established Writer-in-Residence
To qualify and apply for this category, you must be a KSP member and class yourself as one of the following:
1. A writer of children’s or young adult literature who has published:
− six or more literary works under 20,000 words; or
− three or more literary works over 20,000 words; or
− six or more picture books.
2. A writer of any other genre, who has published:
− three or more *full-length works for adults published or performed.
*Definition of 'full-length'
− Fiction and literary non-fiction: 50,000 words minimum
− Poetry collections: 50 pages minimum
− Theatre scripts: 50 minutes minimum
− Radio scripts: 25 minutes minimum.
Emerging Writer-in-Residence
To qualify and apply for this category, you must be a KSP member and class yourself as one of the following:
1. A writer of children’s and young adult literature who has published:
− three to five literary works under 20,000 words; or
− one to two literary works of over 20,000 words; or
− three to five picture books.
2. A writer of any other genre, including literature, who has published:
− one to two full-length (see above category for definitions of *‘full-length’) literary works published or performed; or
− have a *substantial (see definition below) body of minor published work and be progressed on a first major (i.e. ‘full-length’ work for publication.
*Definition of 'substantial'
Short stories: At least five totalling 15,000 words minimum
Poems: At least ten totalling 100 lines minimum
Literary non-fiction: At least three totalling 15,000 words minimum
Scripts: At least five totalling 20,000 words minimum.
Upcoming Writer-in-Residence
To qualify and apply for this category, you must be a KSP member and fulfil all the following: Writers who are under the age of 30 years at the time of application who have been or are currently involved in the writing sector. These writers will have some published literary material in the print, visual or broadcast media and are working towards achieving their first full-length publication.
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