Residency Program

The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to support the development of literary work by hosting a number of annual residencies for writers. Our legacy of Writers-in-Residence spans over 30 years and has produced hundreds of literary awards and publications across several genres as a result. For a full list of KSP's Alumni of writers, please see here.
Benefits to Writers
A salary
CV credit
Promotional exposure
Inspirational space to progress work away from the pressures of everyday life.
As a resident, you will receive a welcome bag of goodies and the support of KSP office staff plus access to Katharine's heritage work studio, library services, beautiful heritage walking trails in the nearby National Forest, writing groups, WIFI and complimentary printing facilities. Writers-in-Residence are encouraged to sell their books at any KSP events during their residency, if applicable, however they must organise money-handling. For information about KSP's retreats, please see here.
Benefits to KSP and the Community
In return, Writers are expected to:
Positively promote and represent the KSP Writers' Centre as an important resource for writers, before, during and after the residency
Raise community awareness of writers and writing. Any events delivered at KSP should aim to be engaging, informational and constructive.
KSP residencies are open to Australian writers who are current KSP members. For up-to-date information on the WA travel situation, which is subject to change at any time, please keep an eye on the WA government website. Regionally-based and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) writers are encouraged to apply. Regarding specific criteria for each residency category, please refer to the category guidelines to ensure your eligibility before applying. The Selection Panel will be looking for talented writers able to show application to the craft of writing.
KSP residencies do not cover travel expenses (with the exception of transport to and from Perth airport, if required, which will be reimbursed) or food (with the exception of welcome treats and any meals provided at scheduled events). See bottom of this web page for FAQs.
Important Notes to Consider
The KSP Writers' Centre is a vibrant and friendly not-for-profit community arts organisation run by an entirely volunteer board of management with the support of two part-time staff members. All income raised by the Centre goes back into KSP’s literary program and maintenance of the heritage buildings and grounds. We are proud of this pocket of the beautiful Perth hills region and we hope that visitors and residents to KSP enjoy their time with us. When residing at the Centre, please be aware that as we are not a commercial hotel, we do not offer 24-hour front desk service. However, guests are provided with out-of-hours contacts if emergency assistance is needed, and from Monday to Friday, 10am-2pm, staff are available on-site.
All residencies are sponsored by the KSP Foundation with support from the Shire of Mundaring.

Established Category
Salary $2,000 AUS
Two to four weeks duration
One position available in 2025
Applicants in this category should be a current resident of Australia and a current KSP-member. They will have achieved major publication (at least three works, depending on genre - refer to our Guidelines for more detail on this point) and demonstrated commitment towards furthering the status and practice of writing among his/her peers and the community in general.
Residency Requirements
Whilst in residence at KSP, writers in this category are expected to progress a current project as well as contribute to the KSP community by:
delivering a three hour workshop;
presenting a short talk, reading and writing exercise at an appropriate KSP writing group or event; and
completing an artistic report, statistical report, and publication report.
Emerging Category
Salary $1,000 AUS
Two weeks duration
One position available in 2025
Applicants in this category should be a current resident of Australia and a current KSP-member. They will have published at least one but no more than two full works or have published a substantial amount of minor work in the print, visual or broadcast media and are working towards achieving their first major full-length publication. (Refer to our Guidelines for more details on this point).
Residency Requirements
Whilst in residence at KSP, writers in this category are expected to progress a current project as well as contribute to the KSP community by:
presenting a short talk, reading and writing exercise at an appropriate KSP writing group or event; and
completing an artistic report, statistical report, and publication report.

Invited Category
No Salary
Two weeks duration
One position available in 2025
Eligibility: WA residents only.
The Selection Panel may offer a non-salaried Invited Writer scholarship to a well-deserving short-listed applicant in the Emerging Category, if they happen to be unsuccessful for an Emerging Writer position. If interested in being considered for this position, applicants should check the relevant box in the Emerging Category application form.
Residency Requirements:
If offered this position, the applicant can focus solely on the progression of their manuscript and will have no other service delivery requirements.
They will be required to submit an artistic report, statistical report, and publication report.

Upcoming Category
Salary $500 AUS
Two weeks duration
One position available in 2025
Applicants in this category should be a current resident of Australia and a current KSP-member. They should also be under the age of 30 years at the application deadline and have been or are currently involved in the writing sector. They will have some published material in the print, visual or broadcast media and are working towards achieving their first major full-length publication. (Refer to our Guidelines for specific eligibility criteria).
Residency Requirements:
Applicants in this category can focus solely on the progression of their manuscript and will have no other service delivery requirements.
They will be required to submit an artistic report, statistical report, and publication report.
Application FAQs
Is there a cost to apply?
No, but you do need to be a current financial member of KSP to be eligible, or your application will be disqualified. See here to sign up. Note that interstate, regional and overseas applicants qualify for the 'Country' category. Also note that the WA Writers United (WAWU) collaborative membership does not apply in this instance.
What classifies as 'Regional' or 'Culturally and Linguistically Diverse'?
To classify as a 'Regional' writer, you must be based overseas or currently living in a remote area of Australia (see here for postcodes that qualify). CALD is a contemporary descriptor for ethnic communities. CALD people are generally defined as those who are born overseas, in countries other than those classified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as 'main English speaking countries'.
I have received a KSP fellowship in the past. Can I apply for a KSP residency?
If your fellowship reports from the previous stay were submitted, then yes.
I have received a KSP residency in the past. Can I apply for another KSP residency?
Not in the same category, no. But you can apply for a different category, if eligible.
Will I be staying alone at KSP if I win a residency placement?
We have three cabins available, so Writers-in-Residence will usually have the company of at least one other writer whilst at KSP. We also have regular writing groups on at the Centre so there are plenty of opportunities to meet people.
Applying: What to Do
Read the guidelines to determine your appropriate residency category, and to ensure you are eligible.
Download and read the *Supporting Residency Document to ensure you can complete the required supporting material. If you can, start preparing this material.
If you are not an existing KSP member, sign up here. If you aren't sure whether your membership is up to date, please email our friendly staff at office@kspwriterscentre.com and they will check for you.
Sign up (or log in, if you are an existing account holder) for a free Submittable account.
Click on the Submittable button above, find the correct application category, then answer all questions and read/sign the Terms of Use. Remember to save your application; you can return to it anytime before the deadline.
Attach required documents, including your author head shot, Letters of Recommendation or Statements of Support, and the completed Supporting Residency Document (ensure to use KSP's provided template) that has been saved as your full name.
Review, edit (check your spelling) and submit by the deadline.
APPLICATION ENQUIRIES: Contact the KSP Writers’ Centre office on 08 9294 1872 or office@kspwriterscentre.com
What is included in the *Supporting Residency Document?
The Supporting Residency Document (important: ensure to adhere to page limits, if specified) asks applicants to supply the following information (refer to the document for specific details):
Cover Letter, max two pages, giving details of suitability and reasons for applying.
Literary Resume, no page limit, including relevant work history, any publications, writing awards and achievements, i.e., residencies or grants won, and community engagement with the writing sector.
Project Details, max one page, focusing on the work you expect to be developing during the residency.
Workshop Proposal, max one page, outlining your three-hour workshop [required for Established and Emerging/Invited writers only].
Sample of Polished Work, ten pages of polished work; this sample may be either published or unpublished material, which best reflects and showcases your writing style.