KSP Foundation Collection
Catalogue of works by Katharine Susannah Prichard held at the KSP Writers' Centre
The Pioneers - 1915
Windlestraws - 1916
Black Opal - 1921
Working Bullocks - 1921
The Wild Oats of Han - 1928
Coonardoo - 1929
Haxby's Circus - 1930
Intimate Strangers - 1939
Moon of Desire - 1941
The Roaring Nineties - 1946
Golden Miles - 1948
Winged Seeds - 1950
Subtle Flame - 1967
Kiss on the Lips - 1932
Potch and Colour - 1944
N'Goola - 1959
Brumby Innes - 1940
The Real Russia - 1934
The Earth Lover - 1952
Clovelly Verses - 1913
Child of the Hurricane - 1964
On Strenuous Wings - 1965
English: Polish: The Pioneers; Black Opal; The Roaring Nineties 1; Working Bullocks & Golden Miles 1; The Wild Oats of Han 1; Winged Seeds 1; Coonardoo Book of Short Stories
Haxby's Circus incl works by KSP 1; Intimate Strangers; The Roaring Nineties; Golden Miles 1; Earth Lover; Why I am a Communist (1956 pamphlet) 2 [Read online version]
Romanian: Subtle Flame Golden Miles 1; Child of the Hurricane 4
Russian: Czechoslavakian: Working Bullocks 1; The Wild Oats of Han 2; Coonardoo 2; The Roaring Nineties 4; Haxby's Circus 1; Golden Miles 4; Moon of Desire (?) 1; Winged Seeds 3; The Roaring Nineties 1; Child of the Hurricane 1; Golden Miles 2; The Earth Lover 1; Winged Seeds 1; Anthology of Aust Poetry 1; Subtle Flame 2; Russian Translations: (untitled) 3
German: Short Stories (untitled) 2; Black Opal 1; The Roaring Nineties 1; Die Braut Von Far-Away
French: Coonardoo 2; Short Stories 2; The Roaring Nineties 1; Books of asstd. short stories, incl works by KSP 5
Japanese & Chinese: Short Stories 3
Spanish: Coonardoo