Oct 13, 2021
Keeping KSP Alive: Our 2021 Heritage Grant Project
Late last year, the KSP Writers' Centre was one of only 61 lucky organisations selected to receive heritage grant funding from the...

Feb 29, 2020
Your KS #52: Hugo Throssell Memorial
Picture: the memorial in 2017, author “Wikirowdy”, from Wikimedia Commons. On the corner of Great Eastern Highway and Old York Road, just...

Feb 14, 2019
The Earth Lover
For Valentine's Day, I have unlocked the polished Jarrah display cabinet that stands next to the fireplace in the sitting room of the KSP...

Jan 28, 2019
Your K.S. #40: Katharine and Hugo’s 100th Wedding Anniversary
It’s Katharine and Hugo’s one hundredth wedding anniversary. Katharine Susannah Prichard, thirty-five, and Hugo Throssell, thirty-four,...

Nov 28, 2018
Your KS #39: Sweet Lavender
As I edit my biography of Katharine Susannah Prichard, I’ve been cutting more words. One of the sections which just didn’t fit concerned...

Oct 31, 2018
Your KS #38: Katharine and Hugo’s engagement, 100 years ago this month
The Herald, 10 December 1918, 3. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article242671406 This month, November 2018, the world will be marking the...

May 31, 2017
Your KS #22: Hugo Throssell and Horses
Katharine Susannah Prichard and her husband, Hugo Throssell, would have approved of KSP Writers' Centre’s 2017 Story Horse Project....

Apr 11, 2017
Your KS #19: Hugo Throssell
I’m up to 1915 in my biography of Katharine Susannah Prichard, the year she met her future husband, Hugo Throssell, in London. He’d just...

Mar 1, 2016
Your KS #8: Following Katharine to Emerald
Nathan in front of the writers’ mural at Emerald Lake Park with KSP, Vance and Nettie Palmer, and CJ Dennis In January, my intermittent,...