Caruso Writer-in-Residence Program

In 2025, the KSP Writers' Centre is proud to be hosting up to 20 residency placements for emerging Australian writers from diverse and marginalised backgrounds as part of our debut Caruso Writer-in-Residence Program. Selected participants will have the opportunity to tune out the noise of everyday life and focus on the development of a creative writing project, by spending two weeks in one of our cosy self-contained cottages.
Thanks to funding from Creative Australia, this brand-new pilot program goes beyond the offer of a residential placement. Through dynamic partnerships with Writing WA and Dragonfly Publishing, and with generous ongoing support from the Shire of Mundaring, all Caruso Writers-in-Residence will receive a substantial stipend, bespoke support to ensure accessibility, a paid opportunity to present a workshop or a paid opportunity to be interviewed, peer support, and publication of a short piece of work in an anthology.
This pilot initiative is designed to amplify fresh voices in the literary world. It's a celebration of storytelling, inclusion, and the power of perspective.
We are honoured to announce the selected participants for the 2025 Caruso Writer-in-Residence Pilot Program
The level of competition was incredibly high, with 74 outstanding applications submitted for just 20 available spots. The selection panel was truly impressed by the diversity and quality of the submissions, which spanned a wide range of eligibility criteria, making the decision process notably difficult!
Adele Aria
Ana Brawls
Ange Yang
Arlie Alizzi
C.A.A. Tasam
Cassidy Sunday
Coco X. Huang
Danielle Frank
Erin Pearce
Georgia Cabelle
Haweya Ismail
Indrani Rao
Jodie How
Lyn Dickens
Melissa O’Shea
Michelle Gould
Paige Floyd
Susie V. Isaksen
Tim Kinsella
Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we take the opportunity to introduce each of our Caruso Writers-in-Residence individually, through a series of dedicated posts!
What does the residency include?
As part of the residency, writers will gain access to a diverse array of support tailored to their unique needs. This includes, but isn't limited to, the following resources and opportunities:
• A two-week stay in a self-contained writing cottage at the KSP Writers’ Centre in Greenmount, Perth, Western Australia
• Residency stipend of $2,000 (AUD) plus workshop and podcast interview fee at ASA rates, if applicable
• Optional: An opportunity to present a writing skills workshop
• Optional: Be interviewed by Writing WA CEO and former Literary Editor of The West Australian, Will Yeoman for Podstreet
• Additional stipend towards childcare-related costs for primary carers, if applicable
• Additional stipend towards travel-related costs, if travelling from interstate or a regional/remote area of WA
• Guidance from peers and established authors through complimentary writing group sessions
• Access to heritage walking trails
• Access to in-house library
• Access to a private, moderated Facebook group exclusive to the Caruso cohort
• Engagement with the Perth hills writing community
• Publication of a short creative piece up to 1000 words in an exclusive anthology by Dragonfly Publishing – this can be either a stand-alone short story or poem, or an extract of a larger work.
Key dates
What we are looking for
Applications open: August 1, 2024
Applications close: September 18, 2024
Residency dates: throughout 2025
We are excited to select up to 20 Australian adult creative writers who bring unique perspectives and fresh voices to the table. Whether you're crafting literary fiction, genre fiction, narrative non-fiction, short fiction, memoir, graphic novels, young adult fiction, poetry, screenwriting, or playwriting, we want to hear from you. Our panel of assessors will be looking for standout creative quality in your work, a compelling narrative, a genuine passion for the craft, and clearly articulated benefits of how this residency will assist in the development of your creative project or propel your career forward.
Submission Point
You will find answers to some common questions in our Application FAQs (Below)
If you have any other questions, or you wish to discuss your application with our staff feel free to get in touch by email office@kspwriterscentre.com or by phone 08 9294 1872.
Please let us know if you would like to receive the application or any of this information in an alternative format
Application FAQs
What is the meaning behind the name 'Caruso'?
The meaning behind the name ‘Caruso’ and our new Caruso Writer-in-Residence Program is close to the heart of our organisation’s namesake, Katharine Susannah Prichard. To find out more about Caruso's story click HERE.
What do you mean when you say writers from diverse and marginalised backgrounds?
This program is designed to support marginalised writers who face ongoing challenges in developing their craft or furthering a creative project. This specifically speaks to the following groups: Neurodivergent individuals, individuals with sensory or physical conditions/disabilities, hidden or ongoing medical issues, cognitive or learning disabilities and mental health conditions. Primary caregivers of young children (under 5 years old), LGBTIQA+ individuals, those living in regional or remote areas, members of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and those experiencing financial hardship as well as others facing any other systematic barriers to participation in the literary world.
What access facilities does KSP have for writers with disabilities?
As a not-for-profit arts organisation with limited funds, we are dedicated to continuously improving our facilities to better serve our community. If you require specific mobility or other kinds of assistance, we encourage you to contact our office with your query. Email office@kspwriterscentre.com or call (08) 9294 1872.
I do not have a complete manuscript yet. Can I still apply?
What do I need to prepare before applying?
Among other things, we will ask you to provide your author biographical note (max 150 words), author curriculum vitae (with a focus on engagement with writing and the writing community), a statement of passion (max 600 words), a statement of commitment (max 100 words)
,a synopsis of work (max 1 page) and a sample of work (please see submission guidelines for details) - for a more detailed description of each item, please start your application on Submittable or contact the office via email or phone to speak to one of our friendly staff members.
Am I required to take my residency at a specific time of year in 2025?
The dates for this residency are negotiable, however, please note they must be taken consecutively over a two-week period. If selected, you will be able to discuss specific date preferences with KSP staff.
I have received a KSP Residency or Fellowship in the past. Can I apply for The Caruso Writer-in-Residence Program?
If you meet the criteria, then yes, you absolutely can.
I don’t have any previous publications or awards and I have never been awarded writing fellowships or residencies; can I still apply?
Definitely! Our panel of assessors will be looking for standout creative quality in your work, a compelling narrative, genuine passion for the craft of writing, and clearly articulated benefits of how this residency will assist in the development of your creative project or propel your career forward.
Is there a cost to apply?
How Do I apply?
Sign up (or log in, if you are an existing account holder) for a free Submittable account.
Click on the Submittable button above, then answer all questions and read/sign the Terms of Use. Remember to save your application; you can return to it anytime before the deadline.
Attach required documents, including your writer headshot, synopsis of work and sample of work.
Review, edit (check your spelling) and submit by the deadline.